Carta à CBS sobre a entrevista de Robin Williams no "Late Show"

As a Brazilian citizen and a big fan of Mr. Robin Williams work on Cinema (yes, we have movie theaters in Brazil), I was shocked and extremely saddened by his statement at the David Letterman´s Late Show (on some day of December ´09, if I´m not wrong) that Brazil won the right to host the Olympics in 2016 because it sent 50 strippers and a pound of cocaine to the jury.
Of course I understood it was a joke, and actually a bad joke that, in it´s context (if you see the dialog between David and Robin since the beggining), wanted to "target" Michelle Obama and Oprah.
However, nothing justifies the way in which Brazil was unfairly and ignorantly mentioned by Mr. Williams on his joke, comparing the Country as a den of drug addicts and prostitutes.
I'm sure, because of that statement, that Mr. Robin Williams has never been to Rio de Janeiro or Brazil. In fact, his joke shows that he thinks he knows anything about my Country - but he doesn´t.
So that´s why I think it would be a great opportunity for the Brazilian Olympic Committee invite him to come to Rio and enjoy the 2016 Olympic Games, which I am sure will be the best of all time!

Luiz França G. Ferreira
São Paulo, SP, Brazil

P.S.: Sorry about any English error...

(Enviada por e-mail em 05/01/2010)


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